Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wooden Checker Set On Foam Board

In the picture above is a checker set that lay on its board. The checker pieces are designed in big size and polished well in black and brown color. A set of checker is contain of 24 pieces, 12 black pieces and 12 brown pieces. All of the Checker pieces are placed on black squares and all of their moves are of the same type, diagonally forward, until one of the Checker pieces gets crowned as King, then he has the ability to move and capture differently, forwards or backwards.

To support the checker game, we have its board. But the board is in foam type, consisting of the same 64 dark and light squares. Because its checker pieces are in big size, the chosen board also adjusted to the size of the pieces. You can take this board where you want to play checker, because this boards are dismantle and pair type that each box can be disassembled and stacked in the Suitcase. Easy to move and easy to carry.
Get the checker set and foam board now!

For more info, please visit

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